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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Perladangan Kontrak Sebagai Usaha Untuk Membantu Peniaga Kecil

Program Perladangan Kontrak, pada asasnya adalah ikatan persetujuan antara pengeluar dengan pemasar mengenai beberapa perkara seperti pembelian terus, aturan pasaran dan khidmat nasihat kepada peladang kontak terbabit. Perladangan kontrak biasanya melibatkan aktiviti pertanian yang berskala kecil atau sederhana dan dilaksanakan secara pembiayaan melalui perladangan kontrak.

Perladangan kontrak dan objektifnya ;-

1) Sebagai jaminan dari segi pasaran hasil pertanian bagi membantu para petani meningkat dan menstabilkan pendapatan mereka.
2)Meningkatkan pengeluaran hasil pertanian seperti buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran serta memastikan hasil yang dikeluarkan berkualiti tinggi dan memenuhi kehendak pasaran
3)Bimbingan dan khidmat nasihat dapat disalurkan kepada para petani khususnya mengenai cara pengurusan hasil pertanian dan maklumat pengeluaran yang betul.
4)Mempertingkatkan penggunaan teknologi di sepanjang rantaian bekalan makanan terbabit seperti komoditi cili merah, bendi, kacang panjang, keledek, kubis, timun, tomato dan ubi kentang. Manakala jenis buah-buahan pula adalah seperti jambu batu, belimbing, pitaya (dragon fruits) mangga, nenas,nangka, pisang manggis dan rambutan.

                                          Contoh Ladang nenas
               Contoh Ladang Pitaya (Dragon Fruits)

Sekiranya anda berminat dengan aktiviti perladangan kontrak ini dan memerlukan maklumat atau bantuan lanjut, anda bolehlah mendapatkannya daripada agensi-agensi kerajaan atau beberapa jabatan yang sering melibatkan peranan mereka di dalam aktiviti perladangan kontrak ini seperti:

Selamat berjaya....

Monday, May 24, 2010

Pembekal Baja Bio Organik di Malaysia

Saya berpendapat, tentu ramai di kalangan peminat bidang pertanian di negara ini masih tercari-cari pembekal baja bio atau organik terbaik di Malaysia. Seiring dengan berkembangnya pertanian organik, pelbagai jenis baja organik yang telah tersedia di pasaran yang dikeluarkan oleh sebilangan pembekal atau pengilang. Apatah lagi pemanfaatan mikrob yang berguna (Effective Microorganisme-EM) yang dapat mengurai bahan organik yang cepat dan effisien mula diperkenalkan, para pembekal baja organik atau bio semakin berlumba-lumba untuk menghasilkan pelbagai produk baja organik yang terbaik di Malaysia.

Sebagai contoh di Malaysia terdapat sebuah pengilang dan pembekal baja organik yang telah memanfaatkan penggunaan mikrob di dalam pengeluaran produk-produk mereka iaitu, Chengai Indah Enterprise di bawah jenama BIOST (Bio Indah Organik Soiltreatment). Antara produk-produk yang dihasilkan ialah produk BIOST  Soil Treatment (Untuk menyubur dan pemulih tanah), BIOST Repella (Baja semburan daun dan pengelak serangga semulajadi) BIOST Soil Conditioner, BIOST Bokashi E.M dan banyak lagi.

Antara fungsi-fungsi produk-produk ini yang mengandungi E.M secara amnya ialah:

1) Mengurangkan penggunaan baja kimia terutama baja dan racunkimia di mana tanah yang rosak akibat penggunaan secara berlebihan dan tidak terkawal dapat dipulihkan dan disuburkan kembali.

2)Menyuburkan, merangsang dan menggalak pertumbuhan serta dapat menghasilkan tunas-tunas dan pucuk tanaman yang lebih sihat dan subur, daun yang lebih hijau, lebar serta bunga yang beih besar. Manakala buahnya akan berbuah lebih lebat dan yg paling penting menggalakkan pertumbuhan akar.

Untuk mendapatkan produk-produk bermutu dengan tawaran yang menarik, sila...

                                          KLIK DI SINI SEKARANG!!!

Sumber : Buku Kaedah Penanaman Sayur-Sayuran Organik Diperkarangan Rumah, Keluaran Synergy Media

Friday, May 21, 2010

It's Simple: Recycling

Hi everyone...

I...thought I'd do a little article about how Recycling is important to this planet that we happen to live on.

There are actually a lot of things that you can recycle: Water, Energy, Paper, Metal, Aluminum Cans, Glass, Plastic, Styrofoam, Steel, & even the Junk that you get in your mail. All of these things, as you know, will end up on the freeway & regrettably, in the ocean; but you're probably asking, "So what's your point?" Do me a favor & hold your horses because I'm getting there.

The basic principle of Recycling is to collect items that have already been used & reprocessing them so they can be used again; pretty simple, right? Of course you don't do this yourself, or I guess you can if you'd like; but that's what Junk Yards are for. Anyway, when you recycle, you pretty much save energy. When a manufacturing company decides to make new stuff out of old stuff, it saves a lot of energy. A good example of this would be the recycled notebooks you get at Target; all of the paper is recycled & can be recycled again for another notebook's use-not to mention you save a tree or two.

When you do the world a big favor & recycle, you can not only make this planet a better place to live, but also reduce pollution & improve environmental conditions. When someone as great as you recycles, you help prevent the global climate change, reduce greenhouse gas release, & you even cut back the amount of fuel used! How great is that, right? Anyway, by doing all this, it eventually leads to you and companies saving natural resources. Let's look at an example, shall we? If the New York Times were to recycle all of the newspapers that they print every single day, there wouldn't be the need to cut & kill a thousand trees a day; see what I'm saying? As of now, all trees in different rain forests are being cut down at an alarming rate & by this time in four years, researchers are saying that there will be no more trees left.

Not only are you helping the world, but you're helping yourself save money; I bet you didn't think about that one. It's true, since it's expensive to start production on something new with brand new materials, manufacturers are going to want that money reimbursed so they can continue making the expensive stuff. When you buy things that are recycled, it's obviously cheaper to make, so you know you're going to buy it for a low price. Even when you think about it, all the junk & trash that isn't recycled is taking up a bunch of space in random places. When you take the time to recycle & separate your aluminum's from your plastic, it allows more space for things that really do belong in landfills like old, used paper towels & every other thing that's biodegradable.

Regardless if you think that recycling is something that can benefit the world or if you simply think that it's another "hippie" movement, I at least encourage you to do your part. I'm not saying you have to become obsessed with it & always keep track of what you recycle & what you don't recycle, all I'm saying is that this Earth appreciates every little bit you can do for it; considering it has provided you with a place to live, eat, & pretty much do everything else; you know? ...

Have a great life... :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Do You Want To Start a Business and Include Green Ideas?

When you begin a new business, you can include green operations and ideas within your plan. Now to make it successful, there are a few things that you must take into consideration and definitely add to the mix.

For any product or service, you must have commitment to consistency, passion, expertise and niche, competition and collaboration, and feasibility?

1. Commitment to Consistency—Operating “greenly” is only beneficial if it is on a regular basis and incorporate in your daily operations.

2. Passion—Passion for your business and why you want to succeed just makes it that much easier to want to be the best business using eco-conscious practices.

3. Expertise and Niche—Knowing your business the best you can and understanding your niche is one of the most important investments you can have in growing your business into a legacy.

4. Competition and Collaboration—Look at what is going on in the industry you are in and who is doing what within 50 miles of you and who is doing what to reach your potential global customer. Collaborating is another way to strengthen your expertise and niche as well as be more competitive in the long run.

5. Feasibility—Practice practices and ideas are the best way to attract the customers you are looking for, even in the luxury market. Everyone is watching their pocketbook and if it is feasible, it is more attractive and usable.

Look at these 5 things to get started!