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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Do You Want To Start a Business and Include Green Ideas?

When you begin a new business, you can include green operations and ideas within your plan. Now to make it successful, there are a few things that you must take into consideration and definitely add to the mix.

For any product or service, you must have commitment to consistency, passion, expertise and niche, competition and collaboration, and feasibility?

1. Commitment to Consistency—Operating “greenly” is only beneficial if it is on a regular basis and incorporate in your daily operations.

2. Passion—Passion for your business and why you want to succeed just makes it that much easier to want to be the best business using eco-conscious practices.

3. Expertise and Niche—Knowing your business the best you can and understanding your niche is one of the most important investments you can have in growing your business into a legacy.

4. Competition and Collaboration—Look at what is going on in the industry you are in and who is doing what within 50 miles of you and who is doing what to reach your potential global customer. Collaborating is another way to strengthen your expertise and niche as well as be more competitive in the long run.

5. Feasibility—Practice practices and ideas are the best way to attract the customers you are looking for, even in the luxury market. Everyone is watching their pocketbook and if it is feasible, it is more attractive and usable.

Look at these 5 things to get started!